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Downtime in Song of the River Prince

In Song of the River Prince, the time between adventures, or a stop in a village isn’t idle waiting. Downtime is an integral part of the adventure that deepens your connections with the world. While epic quests and dramatic encounters often take center stage, the quieter moments spent between major adventures provide an opportunity to develop your character, interact with local communities, and build a richer narrative experience.

Downtime represents those periods when your character takes a break from adventure to tend to everyday tasks. Whether crafting a lantern for a festival, gathering herbs to brew a healing tonic, or simply sitting by a quiet hearth to swap stories, these activities are designed to be both meaningful and fun. They allow you to slow down and appreciate life in the Riverlands, where even the smallest deeds can ripple out into lasting change.

The game uses a simple, yet effective, system for downtime activities. Most tasks require a Skill Check—a roll that combines one of your core Attributes (Physical, Mental, or Emotional) with a relevant Skill. For example, if you’re trying to craft a lantern, you might roll using Mental + Artistry against a set Difficulty. Success means you accomplish the task with flair, perhaps earning a bonus on your next related roll, while a failure might simply mean you’ve lost valuable time or resources without any major setback.

This system is intentionally straightforward to keep the focus on storytelling rather than overwhelming players with intricate mechanics. Downtime activities are categorized into various types, each reflecting an aspect of life in the Riverlands. Here are some examples:

  • Crafting and Creating: Whether you’re mending your gear or creating new items, crafting allows you to contribute to your party’s progress in tangible ways. For instance, creating a decorative lantern might grant a bonus on Perception rolls during nighttime exploration.

  • Gathering and Foraging: Trekking through a lush marsh or dense forest in search of rare herbs. A successful foraging activity not only supplies ingredients for potent remedies but also connects you to the natural rhythm of the land.

  • Socializing and Networking: Engaging with locals—chatting with a tavern keeper or sharing tales with village elders—can yield vital rumors or even minor boons that help you in future encounters. Your social interactions can influence how NPCs treat you and may open up new opportunities for quests.

  • Rest and Recovery: Sometimes, the best use of downtime is simply to rest. Whether through meditation by a quiet stream or sharing a meal at a communal table, these moments allow you to recover from previous hardships and prepare for what lies ahead.

The beauty of downtime in Song of the River Prince lies in its flexibility. The Game Master is encouraged to tailor these moments to the narrative—sometimes, a simple exchange of stories in a bustling market might lead to an unexpected quest; other times, a focused crafting session might produce a small, enchanted item that becomes crucial in a later adventure. This design ensures that downtime is never a pause in the action but a dynamic part of the ongoing story.

Downtime activities give players a chance to immerse themselves in the gentle pace of the Riverlands, where everyday moments are as significant as the grand adventures. They create a space for character growth, community building, and subtle magic, making each journey uniquely personal and deeply engaging.

Join us in the journey of Song of the River Prince by following the Kickstarter here. The campaign launches soon!