A Song of Ice and Fire MiniaturesFeaturedMiniaturesMordheimTabletop Games

ASOIAF Miniatures for Mordheim

Mordheim is 20 years old this year, but has been out of print for years, so getting the official models from the games is REALLY expensive. A few years back, I ran a short Mordheim campaign, where I played dwarves all pulled from Reaper’s website, almost all Bones models, so you can definitely do the same quite easily, but I wanted to point out that you can easily build a complete Mordheim warband using A Song of Ice and Fire miniatures, which are all closely themed to the warbands in question. I’ve got a new Mordheim campaign kicking off soon, so now’s the time for me to share this.

Note: That to get the biggest variety, you’d need to pick up a few different boxes, but you can easily form a whole war band with one $35 box and some bits for conversion. Any of these boxes come with 12 models, which works perfectly for a warband. A lot of these sets have mounted models in similar armor, so if you want to get anyone up on a horse, you can pick up a set for mounted heroes.

Witch Hunters

House Bolton makes some fantastic menacing Witch Hunters. While the witch hunters are servants of Sigmar, they’re supposed to be a little grimy and filthy, living in the mud of the City of the Damned.

Bolton Cutthroats are fantastic for your base henchmen:CMON_October_12_SIF_BoltonCutthroats-components.jpg


The Blackguards make for great heroes, much more heavily armored. 67cd6ed463ec8ad0254e494683729b88_original.jpg

You can even go with the war hounds with the Bastard’s Girls.


I also like the Mountain’s Men for Witch Hunters.



Hailing from the wintery north, Free Folk are perfect for Middenheimers.Board_ASOIF-FreeFolkRaiders_copy_700x700.jpg

For ranged, you’ll want the trappers.



The foppish nature of the Marienbergers is the perfect place to use Lannister troops.


For halberds, you can use their halberdiers.


And they have great looking Crossbowmen.




The Tully Sworn Swords make for good Reiklanders. You’ll want to do something to get some ranged figures in there.



The Crannogmen Trackers would make for a great Ostlanders war band. You don’t even need any other box!Crannogman-Tracks-A-Song-Of-Ice-Fire.jpg

I’d love to see any other single boxes you know of out there that would work for a Mordheim. Let me know in the comments!

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