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New D&D NPC: The Wellwisher

I love Wellwishers. When I first started playing Magic: The Gathering 15 years ago, I knew I wanted to play elves, and I knew I didn’t want to buy random packs of cards, so I had the MTG players at the game shop I was working at help me build a deck from scratch. Their first order of business? Get me four Wellwishers.

Image.jpgFor those unfamiliar with MTG, what this card essentially does is give you more life for each elf that is on the table. When I built my deck up exclusively with elves, I found that I gained a TON of life. In MTG, if you run out of life, you lose. When I play with my Wellwishers, if I can get all four out, I’m gaining life so rapidly, it requires a mighty feat to take me down.

So, I decided, with MTG and D&D steadily encroaching into each others’ territories, it was time to bring the Wellwisher into D&D.

I provided the Wellwisher with a host of Druid life-giving spells, allowing lots of different ways to heal or protect those around them from damage. I feel like the “Wellwishing” ability could be pretty powerful, particularly on a battlefield, but I haven’t playtested it to see. If you end up using it, please let me know!
