Dice Monkey Review Policy

At Dice Monkey, we take pride in providing thoughtful and honest reviews of games and books from the tabletop and gaming community. We welcome submissions from game companies and publishers who wish to have their products reviewed on our platform.

Our Review Philosophy:

  1. Honesty and Integrity: We are committed to providing genuine feedback. If a game or book is featured on Dice Monkey, it means we have enjoyed it and believe it offers value to our readers.
  2. Positive Focus: We generally do not post reviews of games or books that do not meet our standards or preferences. Our goal is to highlight the best in the industry and share our positive experiences rather than share negative content.
  3. Constructive Feedback: While our reviews focus on what we like, we aim to offer constructive feedback to help creators improve their future projects. If a product has areas for improvement, we may provide this feedback directly to the creators rather than in our public reviews.

Submission Guidelines:

  • If you would like us to review your game or book, please contact us with a brief description of your product and any relevant information at DiceMonkeyGames@gmail.com
  • We will consider all submissions, but due to the volume of requests, we cannot guarantee a review for every product.
  • Our reviews are based on our personal experiences with the product, and we strive to provide detailed insights and recommendations.

Thank you for considering Dice Monkey for your review needs. We look forward to discovering and sharing the best games and books the industry has to offer.