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Star Wars D6, D20, & FFG Stats for Lightsaber Rifles

Sometimes, the galaxy drops something truly wild into your lap. While digging through some obscure Star Wars lore, I stumbled across the lightsaber rifle—a weapon so ridiculous and awesome that I had to dive deeper. A rifle powered by a Jedi’s lightsaber, capable of firing devastating beams or even self-destructing with temple-shattering force? It was like a fever dream of Jedi ingenuity and desperation.

Naturally, I had to share this gem with my wife who has strong opinions about Jedi aesthetics. Her reaction? Immediate and enthusiastic. “That is the coolest thing ever. I want to play a Jedi Librarian with one of these!” she said, practically vibrating with excitement. How could I say no to that kind of inspiration?

So, with her dream of a lightsaber-toting, rifle-wielding Jedi Librarian in mind, I sat down and started statting them up. Whether you’re rolling dice in D6, D20, or FFG’s system, I’ve got you covered. Buckle up, because this mashup of elegance and brute force is about to hit the table.

Star Wars D6

Lightsaber Rifle

Type: Ancient Jedi Weapon/Experimental RifleScale: Character

Skill: Blaster: Lightsaber Rifle

Ammo: Dependent on lightsaber (5 shots maximum per lightsaber)

Cost: Unique, priceless

Availability: 4X (restricted, highly specialized)


Primary Beam Shot: 8D

Self-Destruct Explosion: 12D (5-meter radius, heavy damage to structures)


  • Short: 3-10 meters
  • Medium: 11-30 meters
  • Long: 31-50 meters

Special Rules:

Lightsaber Slot: To use the rifle, a functioning lightsaber must be inserted into the weapon’s dedicated slot. Each shot significantly degrades the lightsaber crystal. The lightsaber will melt into unusable slag after five shots.

Overheat and Smoking: After firing all 5 shots, the rifle overheats and becomes non-functional. Requires 1D6+1 rounds to cool down before any repairs can be attempted.

Self-Destruct: The rifle can be triggered to self-destruct with Moderate (15) Telekinesis or Technical roll. Explodes with enough force to destroy a reinforced wall or create a massive structural breach.

Force Sensitivity Requirements: Due to its unique construction and purpose, non-Force users suffer a -2D penalty to Blaster skill rolls when attempting to use the weapon. Force users can focus their connection to the weapon for an additional +1D to hit.

Dangerous Design: A mishap with the rifle (such as rolling a 1 on the Wild Die) can cause catastrophic malfunction. Roll 1D: 1-2: Immediate meltdown; the lightsaber is destroyed, and the weapon becomes too hot to hold. 3-4: Beam backfires, causing 5D damage to the wielder. 5-6: The rifle jams; unusable until repaired.

Star Wars FFG

Lightsaber Rifle

Type: Ancient Jedi Weapon/Experimental Rifle
Skill: Ranged (Heavy)
Encumbrance: 5
Rarity: 10 (Extremely Rare)
Price: Priceless (cannot be purchased; only found as a relic)
Hard Points: 0

Weapon Profile:

Damage: 12
Critical Rating: 1
Range: Medium

  • Breach 2: Ignores 2 points of Armor or Vehicle Armor per hit.
  • Pierce 4: Ignores 4 points of Soak.
  • Prepare 1: Requires one maneuver to prepare the rifle for firing after loading a lightsaber.
  • Slow-Firing 1: May only be fired once per round.
  • Cumbersome 4: Requires a Brawn of 4 to use without penalty.
  • Unstable: On a Despair or 3 Threats, the weapon suffers a catastrophic malfunction. See “Special Rules” below.

Special Rules:

Lightsaber as Ammo: A functioning lightsaber must be loaded into the rifle to power it. This requires an Easy (♦) Mechanics check. Each lightsaber can provide 5 shots before the crystal melts and the lightsaber is destroyed.

Catastrophic Malfunctions (Despair or 3 Threats): If the weapon malfunctions, roll 1d6: 1-2: Immediate meltdown. The lightsaber is destroyed, and the rifle becomes unusable. 3-4: Backfire. The user suffers a 12 damage hit (Breach 2, Pierce 4 applies). 5-6: Overheat. The weapon becomes too hot to hold and cannot be used for 3 rounds.

Self-Destruct Mode: The user can intentionally overload the rifle with a Hard (♦♦♦) Mechanics check or Force Power Check using the Move power. When triggered, the rifle explodes, dealing 20 damage, Breach 4, Blast 10 in an Extreme Range radius. The explosion is powerful enough to breach reinforced walls or destroy small structures.

Force Sensitivity Requirement: Non-Force-sensitive users suffer 2 Setback Dice (■ ■) on all attacks with the rifle due to its complex and dangerous design. Force-sensitive users can spend 1 Force Point to add +1 Success to their attack roll or activate the self-destruct function without a Mechanics check.

Star Wars D20

Lightsaber Rifle

Weapon Type: Exotic Weapon
Proficiency Required: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber Rifle)
Size: Medium
Weight: 10 kg
Cost: Unique, cannot be purchased
Availability: Illegal, requires special circumstances to acquire

Weapon Profile:

Damage: 6d10 energy (plus lightsaber crystal effects, if applicable)
Critical Threat: 19–20/x2
Range Increment: 20 meters
Rate of Fire: Single
Type: Energy
Hardness: 5
Break DC: 18

Special Rules:

Lightsaber as Power Source: A functional lightsaber must be inserted into the rifle for it to operate. Each lightsaber provides 5 shots before being destroyed. The crystal melts due to the strain.

Unstable Design: If the user rolls a natural 1 on the attack roll, the weapon malfunctions. Roll 1d6: 1-2: The lightsaber is destroyed, and the weapon overheats, becoming unusable until repaired (Repair DC 20). 3-4: The weapon backfires, dealing 6d10 damage to the user (Reflex save DC 20 for half damage). 5-6: The weapon overheats and cannot be used for 1d4 rounds.

Self-Destruct Mode: The rifle can be overloaded to cause an explosion. This requires a Repair check (DC 25) or use of the Move Object Force power (DC 20). The explosion deals 10d10 energy damage in a 6-meter radius and ignores 10 points of hardness for structures.

Force Sensitivity Requirement: Non-Force-sensitive characters take a -4 penalty on attack rolls due to the rifle’s intricate design and sensitivity to the Force. Force-sensitive users can use the rifle with no penalty and may spend a Force Point to gain +2d6 damage on one attack.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Characters without the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber Rifle) suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls.